While we are based in Charleston, WV, we jump at every chance to travel for a wedding – especially to White Sulfur Springs for an intimate wedding ceremony at The Greenbrier. We were so excited when this last minute micro wedding was added to our schedule to close out 2020 with a bang! With the smallest guest list (the bride’s son and the groom’s parents), our time with Audrey and Johnathan on this special Wednesday afternoon in the most beautiful venue was…..perfect.
Our afternoon started with the details. The Greenbrier itself is a photo op. Every room, hallway, couch and table was made for shooting wedding details as you can see. And of course the famous Dorothy Draper prints and patterns at every turn.
With this event being so small, Audrey and Johnathan wanted to make a moment of seeing each other for the first time in her dress and him in his suit so they wanted a first look prior to the ceremony. Jonathan was in place and waiting for Audrey to tap him on his shoulder for him to turn around to see his very soon to be wife in her wedding dress. Even though they had both been together all morning. It was such a special moment, Her son and his parents around the corner with the biggest smiles.
We strolled around the lobby and hallways for a bit, just before they headed outside for a carriage ride with her son. You can’t get much more romantic than that!
The ceremony took place in the Victorian Reading room, just off the main lobby. A guitarist began to play just before they arrived. A waiter in the back corner, napkin draped over his arm preparing for a champagne toast just as the ceremony would conclude. A simple yet beautiful cake made the room smell so good, like vanilla. Their dinner table was set at the opposite end of the room, with the classic Greenbrier place settings, pats of butter with the Greenbrier emblem and a centerpiece of fresh flowers and about a dozen vases with floating candles.
Our evening ended with their beautiful ceremony.